I spent a good part of my childhood in Mt. Waverley, in a 70's brick 2-storey with Mission brown trims. I used to walk past a group of houses and wonder to myself "Why couldn't my parents have built a house like this?"
They haven't changed much in the last 30 odd years, except the gardens have grown and some of the houses have been pulled down and replaced with McMansions.

Waimarie Drive. This house wasn't always yellow. I think it was a redbrick with white trims. It's long and takes up two house blocks across the front.

Bond Street. These houses backed onto a reserve. Most of them had inground pools, which I was rather envious of!

This house was built in 1964 and is still occupied by the original owners. It was designed by an architect after the homeowner couldn't settle on a display house design, using components from various designs he liked. it has a northerly aspect with large loungeroom windows at the front. It has a seperate carport at the back.

The owner was going to build a patio at the front off the loungeroom and even installed glass doors to open onto this area. After living in the house for a while though, they decided that a patio would impede the sun that streamed into the front bedroom windows. Potted rubber plants and a rather impressive monstera deliciosa have been plonked out the front, obviously removed from the interior of the house as they either a) were no longer fashionable or b) grew too large to be kept indoors or c) too heavy to move back indoors. The gentleman that owns the house was a lovely old fellow and I wish his ailing wife a speedy recovery. And I hope his sons realise the gem of a house that they will possibly one day inherit.
For more pictures from Mt. Waverley, head on over to my
Flickr site.
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